Stuck for inspiration with your .net projects?

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What .NET code have you explored recently?

If you’re anything like me then you’ve probably found yourself staring at your own code and that of the developers you work with for hours and hours.

This is fine (and kind of necessary) but let’s face it, sometimes you need a change.

I find myself wondering what it would be like to be a fly on the wall in other companies, to check out what the rest of the world is building with .net.

Naturally I’m sure everyone is working on far more interesting code/projects than I am!

With this in mind, I’ve recently discovered a couple of handy web sites which will help you to become a “virtual fly on the wall”, to explore real-world .net projects from the comfort of your own living room/study/office.

Here you can explore real-world .net projects submitted by others and submit your own projects if you want to share them with the world.

Not all the projects have source code, but a good number do.

This site is quite new so there’s a limited amount of projects at the moment but growing by the day. Why not submit your own projects to push up the numbers? :-)

This one is a little different as it dynamically pulls together information about .net projects from various sources (such as Github) and presents them all in one handy place.

It goes a little further than builtwith as it will also help you find blogs, groups, events etc.

Check them both out.

I think my current favourite project has to be the Dutch Roman-era bike tour app built using Xamarin.

Sadly there’s no code available to browse for that one, but after wrestling with my project today, the idea of taking a GPS guided bike tour along Roman settlement sites in the Netherlands sounds pretty appealing!

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