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Why some software development tasks feel impossible
There's a hidden force that affects everything you do as a software developer
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Which render mode is my component using?
It's not always obvious which render mode your component is using, but .NET 9 will tell you
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Finally! Improved Blazor Server reconnection UX
.NET 9 changes how your Blazor Server app behaves when server connection is lost
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Better JavaScript module imports with .NET 9
.NET 9 ensures your users always get the latest version of your JS modules
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Ensure users always get the latest version of your stylesheets with .NET 9
.NET 9 changes how static files are served, and it solves a long-standing problem
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Prevent double clicks in Blazor components
Guard against duplicate events in your Blazor app
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Avoiding interactivity with Blazor?
Sometimes a little HTML and CSS is all you need
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How to upload a file with Blazor SSR in .NET 8?
How to handle file uploads without using an interactive render mode?
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3 simple design tips to improve your Web UI
Spruce up your features
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The quickest way to integrate PayPal checkout with Blazor SSR in .NET 8
JavaScript Interop works differently with Blazor Server-side rendering
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Interactive what now? Deciphering Blazor's web app project template options
Create a new Blazor Web App and you'll be asked how you want interactivity to work, but what does it all mean?
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Should I put my Blazor components in the server project, or the client project?
.NET 8 gives you a choice of projects, which one should you use?
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Simpler auth for Blazor Web Apps with Auth0?
Integrate Auth0 with your Blazor Web App (.NET 8)
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Coravel - Easy task scheduling for your .NET web apps
Coravel makes it easy to run tasks on a regular basis
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.NET 8 Blazor component visibly loading twice? Check your prerendering
By default your .NET 8 Blazor interactive components are prerendered, so how do you avoid fetching your data twice
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Do ASP.NET Web Applications play nice with promises fast, scalable hosting, but does it work with .NET, and what about Blazor?
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When a form is actually... oh it's a form
It's easy to over-complicate front end development. Sometimes you just need a form.
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How to accept Stripe payments via Blazor in .NET 8
Present a checkout form and handle payments
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How to migrate your Blazor Server app to .NET 8
What does it take to migrate your pre .NET 8 Blazor server app to the new framework
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Exploring Blazor Changes in .NET 8 - Auto Render Mode
Interactive components with Blazor Server or Blazor WASM (whichever loads fastest)
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Exploring Blazor Changes in .NET 8 - Capture User Input with Forms
Sooner or later you're going to need to capture user input in your Server Side Rendered .NET 8 Blazor components
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Exploring Blazor Changes in .NET 8 - Interactive Components using Blazor WASM
Islands of interactivity in your Blazor app?
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Exploring Blazor Changes in .NET 8 - Interactive Components using Blazor Server
Islands of interactivity in your Blazor app?
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Exploring Blazor Changes in .NET 8 - Server Side Rendering (SSR)
Blazor without Web Assembly or Socket Connections...
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Good (Blazor) Components are...
Components, done right carry tremendous potential to speed up your web development, but get it wrong and you'll miss out on all the potential benefits
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What happens when you navigate to the same page in Blazor?
When you navigate to the same component in Blazor it will bypass some of the component lifecycle events
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Need your Blazor sibling components to talk to each other?
How to handle Component A needs to talk to Component B challenges in Blazor
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State Hasn't Changed? Why and when Blazor components re-render
Sure you could just keep throwing StateHasChanged calls at your component until it finally re-renders, but what's really going on behind the scenes?
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Your Blazor component needs data in a certain format, where to Map?
Data coming from another service/API needs to be mapped into a different type for your Blazor component, so where should you perform the mapping?
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Are you sure you need that 'else'
Blazor's component model can make you a lot more productive, if you let it…
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Blazor Changes in .NET 8 - Solving Blazor's biggest challenges?
Blazor Server and WASM both have trade-offs, Blazor United looks set to tackle those and make Blazor a viable framework for all your web development needs.
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Use a recursive Blazor component to render a TreeView
How to render nested nodes in a TreeView
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Inject content into your Blazor components with typed Render Fragments
Maintain clear separation between your components and inject the markup you need
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Using .NET 7's Blazor Custom Elements to render dynamic content
Render Blazor components from dynamic content, at runtime?
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Wait until the last responsible moment to add structure to your Blazor UI
Prioritise the ability to iterate and evolve your UI
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Struggling to get going with a new feature? Start with the HTML
Build the skeleton and fill in the details from there
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Use the Query String to pass an array of selected values between Blazor Pages
Make your Blazor app support deep linking by passing state in the Query String
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Conditional Blazor Styles (without the if statements)
Sometimes you'll want your Blazor UI to change according to the data you're using to populate it
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Think big, start small
Big feels overwhelming so start small and go from there.
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Go faster with mockups
Struggling to get in to a feature, or know where to start? Try sketching out a mockup.
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Use Tailwind's new JIT mode when developing Blazor applications
Tailwind 3 automatically scans your site for html files, Blazor components, other templates in order to generate a static CSS file for your site, but it's a faff to launch Tailwind and your Blazor app separately...
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Missing Blazor intellisense in VS2022? You may be running into this problem
The new Razor editor in Visual Studio 2022 doesn't currently provide intellisense for stylesheets you reference from external sources like NuGet packages…
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When to refactor a large Blazor component into separate, smaller ones?
Don't rush to break your UI down into separate components (too soon)
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How I organise my Blazor components
Consistency is key and make your components work harder to prove they're actually the 'same thing'
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Three ways to hack your brain to notice the small details
Ever spent hours trying to figure out why your app isn't working, only to spot the typo you made a few hours earlier?
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Sure, you could write all those Blazor HTTP calls yourself...
Writing boilerplate API client code is deadly dull and repetitive, Refit will do it for you
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With so many Blazor Component Libraries, which one is best for you?
There's no shortage of component libraries available for Blazor, but how do you figure out which one you should use?
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Does .NET 6 fix Blazor Prerendering?
Prerendering eradicates Blazor WASM's initial load time and .NET 6 addresses its one key limitation
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Razor Pages has Components too don't you know!
Components are really useful for breaking down your UI into smaller pieces, and Blazor uses them extensively, but what if you're using Razor Pages?
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Persisting your users preferences using Blazor and Local Storage
Now your app supports dark mode, let's make sure your visitors only have to choose it once (or ideally, not at all)
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Dark mode for your web applications (using Blazor and Tailwind CSS)
Eyestrain is a real problem; help your users by adapting your site to their dark mode preferences
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Tests are hard, LightBDD can help
You know you should write more tests, but it's not that easy...
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Is it possible to render components dynamically using Blazor?
Because life's not complicated enough already!
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Render Blazor WASM components in your existing MVC/Razor Pages applications
You can render individual Blazor WASM components in your existing Razor Pages (or MVC) Core app.
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Prerendering your Blazor WASM application with .NET 5 (part 2 - solving the missing HttpClient problem)
If you refresh your prerendered Blazor WASM site today you're in for a big surprise...
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Prerendering your Blazor WASM application with .NET 5 (part 1)
With a small tweak you can have your site appear near instantly so your users aren't left hanging while the rest of your application downloads
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From site.css to component styles
You don't have to put all your styles in one big stylesheet any more!
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Update the HTML head from your Blazor components
Setting the title for your Blazor apps just got much easier
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When does Blazor decide to render your UI?
Sometimes Blazor needs a nudge to render
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Render diagrams on the fly in your Blazor apps
Render diagrams based on a text representation in your Blazor projects
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Edit and Replay your network requests, direct from the browser
Half the battle with building a client-side web app (using Blazor, React etc) is figuring out what calls are being made to the network. Now you can see but also edit those requests and replay them...
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Make a responsive Navbar with Blazor and Tailwind?
You know those clever navbar menus which collapse to a burger icon on smaller resolutions? Here's how you can build one using Blazor and Tailwind CSS
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Pimp up your Blazor EditForms with Tailwind CSS!
EditForms are a unstyled by default, so it falls to you to make your forms pop!
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Blazor EditForms, an essential tool or too much magic?
Are Blazor's EditForms better than the alternative or do they do too much?
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Custom validation logic on client AND server with Blazor?
It would be pretty handy if you could write one validator and have your validation rules run seamlessly on both client and server...
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Go faster with your own re-usable Blazor components
You can easily avoid re-inventing the same wheels over and over when you break your UI down into re-usable components
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3+1 ways to manage state in your Blazor application
As soon as you have more than one Blazor component you need to think how you'll communicate between them.
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How easy is it to build a Marvel search engine with Blazor?
Blazor WASM is here, but just how quickly can you go from dotnet new to something useful up and running in the browser?
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Quickly transform any mockup or design into a working Blazor prototype
Even complicated applications can be broken down into small components, making them much less daunting to build.
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CSS is hard, Blazor and Tailwind CSS makes it easier
Make re-usable components that look decent without the usual CSS headaches.
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Going virtual
Taking .Net user groups and conferences online
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Escaping WebForms is a tough gig, Blazor might have the solution
Avoiding the big (Blazor) rewrite in the sky
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Blazor by Example - A dismissable banner
How do you store simple state in a Blazor app, such as whether a user has dismissed a banner or not?
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Blazor by Example - A spot of refactoring
Sometimes you just don't need the enum...
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Blazor by Example - Build a simple traffic light
Have a spare 10 minutes? Build a simple traffic light component and discover how Blazor's model binding works...
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Blazor by Example - Build a simple markdown editor
Building a Blazor text editor with markdown support and instant preview is easier than you think
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10 Blazor component libraries to speed up your development
Sometimes you just don't have the time (or CSS skills) to build every component from scratch...
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Use Blazor in your existing ASP.NET Core 3.x application
You don't have to bet the farm on Blazor, it might be easier to start small and add Blazor components to the apps you already have
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Is Blazor actually any good, beyond demo-ware
So Blazor is getting plenty of attention at the moment, but is it actually any good?
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Blazor - Where to put your domain logic
Muddle up your business logic and presentation concerns and you're making life a lot harder for yourself...
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How to learn Blazor when you don't use it for your day job
Your day job is energy-sapping enough, how can you still find the time and energy to keep up with new developments like Blazor?
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Shared models - Blazor's (not so) secret super power
Fed up of your javascript application breaking when you change your back end models? Blazor has an answer for that.
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But, which flavor of ASP.NET?
Blazor, Razor, MVC... what does it all mean?!
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There's a buzz about Blazor - Here's why
People are talking about Blazor but will it ever really replace JS?
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Starting out with the ASP.NET Core React template (part 3 - Separating out the frontend)
How to run the frontend and backend parts of the ASP.NET Core React project template separately
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Starting out with the ASP.NET Core React template (part 2 - Web API)
How does the ASP.NET Core part of the ASP.NET Core React template actually work?
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Starting out with the ASP.NET Core React template
What's with all the files?
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MediatR and Blazor Server?
can we use Blazor Server and MediatR together? Why yes, yes we can.
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Building a like button using Blazor Server
How to compose Blazor Server components together and pass events between them
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A gentle introduction to Blazor Server
What is Blazor Server? Why might you use it?
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WTF is an Action Delegate?
How can you swap in different behaviours for a function? One way is to use C#'s Action Delegates
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WTF Is a Lambda?
When you first see a Lambda you might be left scratching your head, wondering what on earth that funky syntax is all about?!
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The ASP.NET Core Form Tag Helpers Cheat Sheet
Get data from your html forms to your ASP.NET application with a little help from Tag Helpers (new in ASP.NET Core)
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Want to move to full-stack development but not sure where to start?
There was a time when spinning up a web page was simple. It's fair to say things have become a tad more complicated in recent times.
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What to focus on when learning ASP.NET Core?
I'm at a bit of a loss for what I should be focusing on when learning ASP.NET...
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Stuck for inspiration with your .net projects?
Become a virtual fly on the wall and explore real-world .net projects from the comfort of your own computer
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MVC vs Razor Pages - A quick comparison
If you're learning ASP.NET in this brave new .NET Core world and you want to build server-side web applications then it's a straight fight between MVC and Razor Pages.
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8 practical tips for learning ASP.NET Core MVC
Start off on the right foot when it comes to learning ASP.NET Core MVC
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How to get data from an HTML form to your ASP.NET MVC Core Controller
Your web application is likely going to handle user input at some point. Find out how ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers make this trivial whilst saving you from making easy mistakes.
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